What is Muscle Testing?
Applied Kinesiology AKA Muscle Testing is a practice that is used to tap into the subconscious mind in order to answer questions about physical, mental and emotional well-being. It's a noninvasive method that can be used to determine the underlying causes of ailments and afflictions an individual or animal may be suffering from. It can help identify everything from nutritional needs to Trapped Emotions.
How does it work?
Our bodies live and function on principles of biomagnetic energy. While our conscious mind is mostly oblivious to these energies, our subconscious minds are intimately connected to and affected by them. They are responsive to positive energy and congruency, and they are resistant to negative energy and incongruency. It is this tendency to seek out or reinforce positive energy, and to avoid or refuse negative energy that allows us to perform muscle testing.
Releasing Trapped Emotions
The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of unseen baggage. Releasing trapped emotions often results in the sudden disappearance of physical problems, self-sabotage, and recurring relationship difficulties.
Emotions can become trapped in particular organs and cause physical damage to your body. This also holds true to the horses. They are very empathetic beings and often take on emotions of their owners as well as deal with their own.
I had the opportunity to work with therapy horses at a therapeutic riding center. After working on several horses, the emotion of Abandonment kept coming up. The horses felt abandoned by their owners as they were left at the riding center for a new life as no one explained to them why they were sent there.
Christopher Reeves wife died of lung cancer but never smoked. Interesting how the emotions of grief, sadness and sorrow are all emotions that settle in the lungs.
This simple process of releasing the trapped energy can make a huge difference in the health and well-being of both horses and humans.
For more information, read Dr. Bradley Nelsons book The Emotion Code.