Body Balancing
Why does my horse need bodywork?
When the body is not aligned properly physically and emotionally, compensation patterns develop creating muscle tightness, pain and over development where it should not be. Soft tissue work will help the body come back into balance so they can function and perform at their best, and emotional work will help it stay there!
Has your horse had a injury or currently on stall rest? Body work can help the body heal and minimize the creation of new compensation patterns while they heal. We have techniques to help wounds heal with minimal scarring.
Whether you are a competitor or a causal rider, your horse could greatly benefit from bodywork. Having a professional evaluate your horse regularly provides a good baseline to know when something is not right.
See Case Studies page for examples.
Where do I start?
Lynn’s passion is not only helping horses, but working with the owner to become familiar with your horse and how to help them yourselves. Keeping your horse balanced and healthy is a full time job. Empowering you the owner is really important. You can’t lose weight by eating a salad once a month nor can you fix your horse by only addressing their issues once a month. While having a professional come in and do a thorough job is important, its is just as important for you to learn how to keep your horse healthy and happy!
Because Lynn understands that time and money are two things we never seem to have enough of, she will work with you to create plan that works! That may mean you attending a class, have one on one coaching, virtual coaching, bringing in partnering professionals or if you just need your horse tuned up, we can figure it out.
Where to start? We recommend a 30 min zoom consult to discuss your goals and/or issues you are currently having with your horse. From there Lynn will recommend a course of action!
Work with Me!
Typically the first session will include musculoskeletal unwinding and myofascial releases that help the body re-align and balance the energetic system. Unwinding can remove defensive habits and flush emotional traumas. Emotions are powerful and can cause illness and even death. Soft gentle moves to manually release and keep the skeleton in proper form and function is where we start thus helping the body to load the joints and hoof correctly.
Based on the horse’s needs we may start with an energetic unwinding and emotion release. Soft tissue unwinding is often done after the initial balancing has had time to take place. Items like Meridians, fascia and soft tissue are addressed along with customized support options. Meridians are like water hoses, and when they get a kink it stops the flow of energy. Each meridian ties to an organ/area of the body. If that area is blocked lameness or illness may occur. Through our energy we can remove those blockages through clearing or releasing acupoints with our own energy and/or essential oils. Energy work on deep muscles help the body to continue release.
Some level of cranial should be done when the body is able to receive it. Cranial should not be done unless the body has been properly prepared.
“Wow, I have that issue too!”
I hear this a lot! Horse are very emotional beings and often pick up physical and energetic/emotional things from us! Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Who knows, who cares! Let’s just fix it!